Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Big Changes!

First off I'd like to apologize that I have not posted in quite some time. I have changed the line-up of programs for children at the Temple Terrace Library to better reflect the needs and ages that have attended. I have always tried to provide the best programs and so I saw that there was a need to change things.

Tuesday nights we had a "Family Story Time" at 7pm but attendance was only 3-6 children. So now we are having "Lego My Library" on Tuesdays at 6pm a 45 minute program for ages 6-12 that helps teach creativity, problem solving, and team work using Lego blocks.

Our Toddler Time and Preschool Story Time have merged and changed to what we are simply calling for now "Story Time" but it is based on the internationally used "Mother Goose on the Loose" program. This program helps develop early literacy skills, social skills, motor skills development, self-confidence and so much more. We use 4 picture books each week along with songs, finger plays, puppets, bells, bounces, tinkle rhymes, and more. I will try to post the names of the books each week. The Story Time program is 10:30am each Wednesday and is 30 minutes long (actually has been more like 35-40).

After School Art is still taking place 3:30pm on Wednesdays. We read a picture book and do a related craft.

After many requests we have decided to make Baby Time every week on Friday mornings at 10am , instead of only twice a month.

Our special event for September was Dora Day on Saturday, September 8. Our next two special events take place in October, a puppet show: The Golden Goose on Thursday, October11 at 3pm {When the youngest of three sons sets off to cut wood in the forest, he shares what little food he has with an old woman. As a result of his kindness, he finds a golden goose. Witness how the goose helps him make his fortune, win the hand of the princess, and inherit the kingdom. Follow this journey as actors and puppets use the help of the audience to unfold the story.} On Saturday, October 13 at 10am is Temple Terrace Reads! it takes place behind our library on Flotto Avenue and is a city-wide celebration of reading that brings together all the area schools, Parks & Recreation, Temple Terrace Fire Department, Temple Terrace Junior League, and many more. It will be an exciting day of fun and books.

As promised, our books for Story Time:

September 5th 2012
Chicka chicka boom boom /by: Bill Martin Jr
and John Archambault
The Very Quiet Cricket /by: Eric Carle
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? /
by: Bill Martin Jr
I Went Walking /by: Sue Williams

September 12th 2012:  
If You Give a Mouse a Cookie /by: Laura Numeroff
Faces /by: Shelley Rotner and Ken Kreisler
Chicka chicka 1,2,3 /by: Bill Martin Jr
and John Archambault
Baby bear, Baby bear, What do you see? /by: Bill Martin Jr

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