Saturday, June 30, 2012

Toddler Time, Preschool Time, Dream Big Read, Family Fun Time, Baby Time

This Week's Theme:

Word of the Day:
SHEEP / sheep

Books for Toddler Time, Wednesday
(There is NO Toddler Time July 4th)
{7/11/2012} 10:15am:
Go to Sleep, Russell the Sheep /by: Rob Scotton
Where Is the Green Sheep? /by: Mem Fox & Judy Horacek
Sheep in a Jeep /by: Nancy Shaw
Snappy Little Farmyard /by: Dugald Steer

Books for Preschool Story Time, Wednesday
(There is NO Toddler Time July 4th) 
{7/11/2012} 10:45am:
Farmer Brown Shears His Sheep A Yarn About Wool
/by: Teri Sloat
Digby Takes Charge /by: Caroline Jayne Church
One More Sheep /by: Mij Kelly and Russell Ayto
Doug-Dennis and the Flyaway Fib /by: Darren Farrell
Another Brother /by: Matthew Cordell

Family Fun Time
Tuesday, July 3rd 7pm - "Books We Love To Sing" with Christine Van Horn
 Tuesday, July 10th 7pm - Ventriloquist Lowell Tausik

Dream Big! Read!
Thursday, July 5th and 12th 2:30pm
60 minute program of stories, games, and crafts

Baby Time
Friday, July 6th 10am
15 minutes of board books, bounces, and bubbles

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