Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Toddler Time, Preschool Story Time, Family Fun Time, Dream Big! Read!

This Week's Theme:
Water, Water, Everywhere!

Word of the day:
WATER / water

Books for Toddler Time, Wednesday
{6/20/2012} 10:15am:
Water is Wet /by: Penny Pollock & Barbara Beirne
This Is the Rain /by: Lola M. Schaefer
Itsy Bitsy The Smart Spider /by: Charise Mericle Harper
The Sea of Bath /by: Bob Logan

Books for Preschool Story Time, Wednesday
{6/20/2012} 10:45am:
Curious George Goes to the Beach /by: Margaret & H.A. Rey
Sergio Makes a Splash! /by: Edel Rodriguez
Fun in the Sun /by: Janine Scott
Hilda Must Be Dancing /by Karma Wilson
The Cold Water Witch /by: Yannick Murphy

Family Fun Time
Tuesday {6/19/2012} 7pm
Magician Greg Gaulden
Come see Greg's tricks and illusions that is sure to delight and entertain

Dream Big! Read!
Thursday {6/21/2012} 2:30pm
60 minute program of stories, games, and arts & crafts

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